Only time will tell
If my work is representational
Only time will tell if time will tell
Ben Lerner
The Lichtenberg Figures
We log on in the moment, but a work of visual response to this time becomes, by necessity, the product of a more extended duration.
In time, elements of nature, geology, objects and stories attach to one another. In this process, interventions, whether intentional, inadvertent or malign turn
what has been into something else, something different. A new state of coherence appears (for a time.)
I am interested in the state of flux, the shifting messages conveyed by information technologies of earlier times. What meuse shadows are left behind to decode?
Assembling and layering are the additive processes that reflect these interventions in the world.
Using mylar, a material with a nonporous flatscreen surface, provides a contested ground of resist and residues.
Evaporation and duration are key to the process. The pigments that remain become the trace elements, the markers for what holds on. Mylar is a material correspondent with the screens we interface with daily, where our accumulations, interests and archives are now found floating in a different dimension beyond the tactile.
We use “attachments” every day as we connect and relay information.
Attachment has its contemporary meaning, but there is, tucked within the earlier analog meaning of connection, the tenuous or tenacious act of holding on.